Pompton Pet Sitters is the premier dog walking service in Pequannock, NJ and surrounding areas. Schedule a dog walker every day, a few days per week, or just whenever your dog needs a little more exercise.
Daily exercise for your dog can have numerous benefits, including helping your dog stay healthy, happy, and well behaved. Dog walking and active play can help your dog maintain a healthy weight, allow him to release more energy, and improve obedience. Even elderly or mobility challenged pets can benefit from a visit with a professional dog walker who can spend time with him at his home, playing with toys or just giving him extra love and attention each day.
Depending on your dogs needs and abilities, we can find the right exercise schedule to keep him happy and healthy. Check out our dog walking rates. For more information on the benefits of dog walking and other exercise, visit our dog walking blog.
Service Areas:
Pequannock, Pompton Plains, Wayne, Pompton Lakes, Riverdale, Bloomingdale, Wanaque, Haskell, Butler, Kinnelon, Montville, Towaco, Lincoln Park.